Wednesday, November 19, 2008

D400 and D3x or D4 to introduce to fight Canon?

Body: D300 body marked "D400" with an added "FX" logo from a D3.

Format: FX and DX, just like D3.

Resolution: 16MP in FX, 6.9MP in DX.

Frame Rate: 5 FPS; up to 6.5 FPS in cropped DX mode.

Rear LCD: 3.5" two-fingered touchscreen a la iPhone.

Data Communication: USB and WiFi.

go go nikon.... bring it on to canon ... hit them hard... teach them a lesson of coming out crappy model line up lol....


Anonymous said...

Honestly I think Nikon is already winning just by the D3 and D700, so whatever that comes next is gonna make Canon very miserable. Don't forget the Red camera too. With its ability to mount universally and real hi res video, the age of DSLR is probably over.

Anonymous said...

har? wining? i dont think so ... they came close match it if u compare d3 with mark3 yes but dont forget 1Dsmark3

but anyway good to see nikon hitting canon hard lol